DG Community Broadcast

Check out the quarterly Community Broadcast informing you everything DG.
Get a look behind the scenes into what we're working on at the moment and what you can expect from the future.

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of September 2023

Welcome to the Community Broadcast of September 2023. Every three months we will let you know about everything DG, here on deltagamez.ch.
Get an insight on upcoming features and input by developers.
During the months July, August and September, we have focussed all our time into developing our new project DG DEVS.
Below you can find all information on DG DEVS, its future and how the development of Vington is ongoing.



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The past three months we have been working hard on our coming project "Vington" with the hopes to soon release the game to the public as Early Access.

Through April and May, we have been working on the existing vehicle system and have been able to complete all Sheriff's cruisers and SUVs for its fleet.
In addition, we have completed all civilian vehicles, which are now ready for release.
Some imperfections will remain on the release of Early Access. We have already planned for an upcoming quality of life update to fix those issues.

Continuing with buildings and alleys, the City of Vington has received new alleys and new buildings.
It is expected to bring live to Vington and serve as a great role-play scenery.

Early Access has not received a release date yet, as there are still some bigger tasks to complete.


Some users have purchased Vington for a Vington starter package on release.
We are well aware of this and have not forgotten your contribution to the game through offering us a bigger budget to work with.
We would like to give back to you in the actual release of Vington, not in an Alpha.

For your support, you will be given ingame-currency and items purchasable only through Robux.
We will give back to you the double worth of items you have spent your Robux on in your starter pack in the official release. Tinistic and Delta Gaming thank you very much for your support.

In case you are curious to see what Vington looks like right now, we will post new teasers over the next weeks in the official Vington Discord, where you will be all up to date about the game.



In the coming semester, we would like to fully focus ourselves on Vington while the other projects will be set back.
Our main focus will be completing the rest of the UI. Some of it was created back in 2021 which does not reflect the skill-level we are on right now.
For Early Access, we do not want to give Vington an outdated look with okay UI. We want amazing UI.


On the website you are on right now, some changes are also planned to come.
The various tabs in the navigation bar at the top, as you have probably noticed, do not work.
Since the other pages have not been given any love recently, these just lead to nowhere.
You can expect the "Delta Gamez" or "Projects" tab to get a new interface over the time. Changes will be announced in the next Community Broadcast.


DG DEVS is expected to make its release beginning next year or earlier.

The project is already fully planned out, as well as some UI-Mockups have been created.
If you do not know about DG DEVS, you can read about it here.

For the release of DG DEVS, we are looking for volunteers who are willing to advertise themselves, or their Discord servers, on our platform.
You can find all information on how to do so over on the respective Discord.

Thanks for reading.


of June 2023

Welcome to the Community Broadcast of June 2023. Every three months we will let you know about everything DG, here on deltagamez.ch.
Get an insight on upcoming features and input by developers.
Throughout the months April, May and June our main focus was working on Vington in order to finally release it to Early Access.
Below you can find all information on Vington and other projects we're currently working on.



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The past three months we have been working hard on our coming project "Vington" with the hopes to soon release the game to the public as Early Access.

Through April and May, we have been working on the existing vehicle system and have been able to complete all Sheriff's cruisers and SUVs for its fleet.
In addition, we have completed all civilian vehicles, which are now ready for release.
Some imperfections will remain on the release of Early Access. We have already planned for an upcoming quality of life update to fix those issues.

Continuing with buildings and alleys, the City of Vington has received new alleys and new buildings.
It is expected to bring live to Vington and serve as a great role-play scenery.

Early Access has not received a release date yet, as there are still some bigger tasks to complete.


Some users have purchased Vington for a Vington starter package on release.
We are well aware of this and have not forgotten your contribution to the game through offering us a bigger budget to work with.
We would like to give back to you in the actual release of Vington, not in an Alpha.

For your support, you will be given ingame-currency and items purchasable only through Robux.
We will give back to you the double worth of items you have spent your Robux on in your starter pack in the official release. Tinistic and Delta Gaming thank you very much for your support.

In case you are curious to see what Vington looks like right now, we will post new teasers over the next weeks in the official Vington Discord, where you will be all up to date about the game.



In the coming semester, we would like to fully focus ourselves on Vington while the other projects will be set back.
Our main focus will be completing the rest of the UI. Some of it was created back in 2021 which does not reflect the skill-level we are on right now.
For Early Access, we do not want to give Vington an outdated look with okay UI. We want amazing UI.


On the website you are on right now, some changes are also planned to come.
The various tabs in the navigation bar at the top, as you have probably noticed, do not work.
Since the other pages have not been given any love recently, these just lead to nowhere.
You can expect the "Delta Gamez" or "Projects" tab to get a new interface over the time. Changes will be announced in the next Community Broadcast.


DG DEVS is expected to make its release beginning next year or earlier.

The project is already fully planned out, as well as some UI-Mockups have been created.
If you do not know about DG DEVS, you can read about it here.

For the release of DG DEVS, we are looking for volunteers who are willing to advertise themselves, or their Discord servers, on our platform.
You can find all information on how to do so over on the respective Discord.

Thanks for reading.


of March 2023

Welcome to the Community Broadcast of March 2023. Every three months we will let you know about everything DG, here on deltagamez.ch.
Get an insight on upcoming features and input by developers.
In 2023 we've mainly focused our resources on Vington, to hopefully release this game to Alpha.
Below you can find all information on Vington and other projects we're currently working on.



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Our current main focus at Delta Gamez is to publish Vington to Early Access, also known as Alpha.
Since last December, we were able to put the work in we hoped for.

Our main focus points are our vehicle system and creating new buildings for the town-areas around Vington.
Since last December, we have worked on a new lighting system for the cars, which hasn't been changed since 2021.
With this said, our Sheriff fleet is finished, ready for release. The civilian vehicles are still worked on but should be finished in short-time.

Next to the vehicles, the map is in need of polishing, especially the town-areas.
Vington is striving for detail across the whole game map, which is one of the aspects why development takes the time it takes.
The game will mainly play around these two areas, why we cannot publish an unfinished town.

Inside the official Vington Discord server, new teasers and updates for Early Access are posted.


DG DEVS will be a free-to-use recruitment and advertising platform for server owners and developers.
We have big plans for the platform and how it will work. Currently, we are looking for volunteers who are willing to advertise their communities on our platform.
More information will be revealed on DG DEVS when development has progressed, as our resources are currently focused on other projects.
Delta Designs and its previous use will no longer exist in the shape or form it has before 2023.
If you are a volunteer ready to advertise your community on DG DEVS or have some questions, contact Leadership here.


As you've probably noticed, Daily Questions haven't been as daily as promised.
Due to the lack of administrators and the Leadership unable to manage all administrative tasks at once, Daily Questions will continue in an irregular pattern.
Thanks for reading.


of December 2022

Welcome to our new type of Community Content, Community Broadcast! Every three months we will let you know about everything DG, here on deltagamez.ch.
Get an insight on upcoming features and input by developers.
It is important to us that we offer you a transparent deep-dive into Delta Gamez and behind the scenes content. 2022 has opened a lot of windows for us in terms of knowledge and experience. We are much excited about the new year and have ideas and plans for upcoming projects and ongoing ones. Let's hope this is the year 😉.

Thanks to everyone who's still sticking around, you are much appreciated. You keep the community going.



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In November 2020, Tinistic and Delta Gaming officially started working on a Roblox game called Vington. The game is supposed to give players a realistic role-playing experience, giving the options to play as a law enforcement officer and other roles like civilian, fire department and more.

Currently, the game is still under development and worked on a weekly base. Due to the developers not being able to invest every hour of a day into the development of the game, it takes longer than necessary to work on the game.

At the moment, the team is working on game's vehicles. They make the base of the game and are currently being overhauled in terms of scripts and lighting system, combining the knowledge from 2020 and today.
In addition, the map is getting some upgrades as it still isn't 100% complete. The city of Vington is getting new buildings and still has some void holes left to be filled.

Inside the official Vington Discord server, new teasers and updates for early access are posted.


If you haven't noticed already, around August, Delta Gamez took over Delta Designs. Delta Designs is a server in which users can order Roblox ER:LC based assets but also logos and other visual graphics.
Due to the lack of administrators on Delta Gamez, Delta Designs is currently inactive. The server currently is on hold, until new administrators join the Delta Gamez team.


Every end of the year, we want to summarize the statistics of Delta Gamez into a report. We try to be as transparent as possible with the community which is why we do this.

Since the website is brand new and there are still onehundredthousand different things to work on, this list is held very simple. That is going to change in the future.

Data from the 31st of December.
214 Epic Members are part of the Delta Gamez community.
8 Active Members used the server this week.
0 Moderation actions have been taken in the past 30 days.
37 users are part of the Vington Discord server.
82 users are part of the Delta Designs Discord server.
As mentioned before, this is very incomplete and will update over time. We're looking forward to not only visually improve these reports but obviously collect more data for those, so you can view more data about Delta Gamez.
Thanks for reading.